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Guarding your smile

For this blog post we have decided to talk about something we feel strongly about at Gateway Dental Health – SPORTS safety!

Traumatic dental injuries are not enjoyable for anyone. They are often painful, costly and can result in tooth loss and scarring. One of the most common sports injuries are dental-related injuries including a cut lip, cracked/broken teeth or even a completely knocked out tooth! Possibly the easiest way to help prevent and protect against mouth injuries is to wear a mouth guard. If you are playing contact sports or any sport with a high risk of injury it doesn’t make sense not to have one!

Mouth guards have been recognised as being so effective that many school sports programs have made wearing them mandatory. It also goes without saying that almost all professional athletes playing contact sports or sports involving solid balls wear mouth guards. This includes Rugby, AFL, NFL, Hockey, Boxing, Martial Arts, Baseball, Softball, Cricket (batting or wicket keeping without a helmet), skateboarding, BMX bike riding.

Mouthguards offer protection 5-ways:

  1. They cushion teeth against impact and protect against cracking, chipping and tooth-loss;

  2. They help protect against jaw-joint injuries and even a broken jaw;

  3. They help protect against damage such as cuts to the lips, cheeks and gums;

  4. Help to reduce concussive forces to the brain;

  5. Help to reduce overall impact forces to the eyes, head and neck.

Dental injuries can result in having to take time off of work or time out of school. Having a custom-fitted mouth guard is much more cost effective (and less painful) than an emergency dental visit. Children and teens are naturally at a higher risk of injuries simply because they are often still learning the rules of the game, and can be more energetic when playing their favourite sport!

Why custom fit?

Custom fitted mouth guards offer many advantages over the generic, over the counter 'boil-n-bite' mouth guards.

When made by your dentist, the custom-fitted mouth guard offers:

  1. Maximum comfort;

  2. Perfect-fit;

  3. Won't shift or fall out;

  4. Allows you to speak more clearly;

  5. Won’t restrict your breathing;

  6. Maximum proven protection.

All professional sportsmen and women wear custom-fitted mouth guards because their smiles and safety are too important.

If you or your family require a mouth guard we are more than happy to help. Custom mouth guards can typically be made within 5-7 working days, and only require two short appointments with your dentist.

The cost of our custom-fitted mouth guards are:

10-minute Consultation + Impressions (Moulds) + 1 x Mouth guard: $140.00

Choice of Colours – Bright Blue, Navy Blue, Bright Green,

Dark Green, White, Black, Bright Red, Yellow, Gold.

10-minute Fitting appointment + free carry-case: No charge

Call us today to book your mouth guard consultation and impressions on (07) 3493 0028.


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